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Design of Motion Capture System Based on Virtual Reality Scene

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PubDate: May 2020

Teams: Zunyi Power Supply Bureau Zunyi

Writers: Yong Zou; Peipei Wang; Qian Tang; Yichang Sun

PDF: Design of Motion Capture System Based on Virtual Reality Scene


In recent years, due to the continuous expansion of the power industry, the acceleration of high-tech update and the rapid improvement of automation level, making the operation and maintenance of the power system increasingly complicated. In order to ensure the operation safety of electric power operators, it is necessary to improve their safety awareness, professional knowledge, operation level and strain capacity. By simulating the operating environment of the power industry, operators conduct safe simulation training and emergency drills, which is very important for the safe and stable operation of the power system. This paper proposes a motion capture system based on HTC Vive, which mainly describes the application of virtual reality technology and motion capture technology in security emergency drills to realize the synchronization of human motion in reality and the motion of human model in virtual reality scene, so as to achieve a more realistic of electric power operation scene. The design of this system aims to solve the problems of low efficiency, high cost, limited movement and high environmental requirements of motion capture technology in the current virtual reality scene.

