XR 2020年03月31日 21:02:17 映维 Soundfield Reconstruction in Reverberant Environments Using Higher-Order Microphones and Impulse Response Measurements
XR 2020年03月31日 21:02:15 映维 Psychophysical Evaluation of Persistence- and Frequency-Limited Displays for Virtual and Augmented Reality
XR 2020年03月31日 21:02:14 映维 Touch with Foreign Hands: The Effect of Virtual Hand Appearance on Visual-Haptic Integration
XR 2020年03月31日 21:02:12 映维 Pseudo-Haptic Weight: Changing the Perceived Weight of Virtual Objects By Manipulating Control-Display Ratio
XR 2020年03月31日 21:02:10 映维 An Explanation of Fitts’ Law-like Performance in Gaze-Based Selection Tasks Using a Psychophysics Approach
XR 2020年03月31日 16:24:26 映维 Evaluation of real-time sound propagation engines in a virtual reality framework
XR 2020年03月31日 16:24:22 映维 The Effect of Hand Size and Interaction Modality on the Virtual Hand Illusion
XR 2020年03月31日 15:17:22 映维 The effects of natural scene statistics on text readability in additive displays
XR 2020年03月31日 15:17:20 映维 DDRNet: Depth Map Denoising and Refinement for Consumer Depth Cameras Using Cascaded CNNs
XR 2020年03月31日 15:17:10 映维 Designing Variable Stiffness Profiles To Optimize The Physical Human Robot Interface Of Hand Exoskeletons
XR 2020年03月31日 15:08:35 映维 SE-Sync: A certifiably correct algorithm for synchronization over the special Euclidean group
XR 2020年03月31日 15:08:31 映维 Effects of virtual acoustics on target-word identification performance in multi-talker environments
XR 2020年03月31日 15:08:29 映维 Learning to Feel Words: A Comparison of Learning Approaches to Acquire Haptic Words