HCI / XR 2020年07月09日 15:09:14 映维 Touch-less interactive augmented reality game on vision-based wearable device
XR 2020年07月09日 15:03:09 映维 Head-mounted mixed reality projection display for games production and entertainment
XR 2020年07月09日 14:45:09 映维 Development and evaluation of a unity-based, kinect-controlled avatar for physical rehabilitation
XR 2020年07月09日 14:36:43 映维 Abnormal reaching behaviour in virtual environments: preliminary observations
XR 2020年07月09日 14:33:05 映维 How Communication Modalities Can Impact Group Creativity in Multi-User Virtual Environments
XR 2020年07月09日 14:21:29 映维 Analyzing play experience sensitivity to input sensor noise in outdoor augmented reality smartphone games
Perception / XR 2020年07月09日 13:39:20 映维 Air haptics: displaying feeling of contact with AR object using visuo-haptic interaction
HCI / XR 2020年07月09日 13:30:03 映维 VibroSkate: a locomotion interface with the exact haptics and kinesthesia
Optics / XR 2020年07月09日 13:03:12 映维 MR coral sea evolved: mixed reality aquarium with physical MR displays
CG / XR 2020年07月09日 13:00:08 映维 RiSE: reflectance transformation imaging in spatial augmented reality for exhibition of cultural heritage
HCI / XR 2020年07月09日 13:00:06 映维 FlexAR: anatomy education through kinetic tangible augmented reality
Perception / XR 2020年07月09日 12:30:48 映维 Touch the virtual reality: using the leap motion controller for hand tracking and wearable tactile devices for immersive haptic rendering
HCI / XR 2020年07月09日 12:12:02 映维 Mobile collaborative augmented reality with real-time AR/VR switching
XR 2020年07月09日 12:03:57 映维 Attracting User’s Attention in Spherical Image by Angular Shift of Virtual Camera Direction
XR 2020年07月09日 11:00:15 映维 Depth discrimination between augmented reality and real-world targets for vehicle head-up displays
XR 2020年07月09日 09:00:08 映维 Remembering the physical as virtual: source confusion and physical interaction in augmented reality
CG / XR 2020年07月08日 16:00:34 映维 CG aided makeup design to understand and manipulate the impression of facial look and attractiveness