XR 2020年07月08日 16:00:32 映维 The effect of interpersonal familiarity on cooperation in a virtual environment
HCI / XR 2020年07月08日 16:00:30 映维 Walking on foot to explore a virtual environment with uneven terrain
HCI / XR 2020年07月08日 16:00:26 映维 Evaluation of basic object manipulation modes for low-cost immersive Virtual Reality
HCI / XR 2020年07月08日 15:42:13 映维 Dead Fun: Uncomfortable Interactions in a Virtual Reality Game for Coffins
HCI / XR 2020年07月08日 15:39:31 映维 Spatial Communication and Recognition in Human-agent Interaction using Motion-parallax-based 3DCG Virtual Agent
XR 2020年07月08日 15:36:08 映维 Gaze Analysis of Avatar-based Navigation with Different Perspectives in 3D Virtual Space
XR 2020年07月08日 15:30:23 映维 EEG Analysis on 3D Navigation in Virtual Realty with Different Perspectives
Optics / XR 2020年07月08日 15:18:21 映维 ForeSee: A Customizable Head-Mounted Vision Enhancement System for People with Low Vision
CV / XR 2020年07月08日 15:12:07 映维 Real-time pixel luminance optimization for dynamic multi-projection mapping
XR 2020年07月08日 15:03:58 映维 Evaluation of factors affecting distance perception in immersive virtual environments during virtual visits of houses
HCI / XR 2020年07月08日 14:33:32 映维 Exploring input modalities for interacting with augmented paper maps
Video / XR 2020年07月08日 14:25:35 映维 Content Adaptive Representations of Omnidirectional Videos for Cinematic Virtual Reality
Video / XR 2020年07月08日 14:01:26 映维 Compressed Domain Video Processing for Tile Based Panoramic Streaming using SHVC
XR 2020年07月08日 14:01:25 映维 Immersive Interactive Technologies in Digital Humanities: A Review and Basic Concepts
CG / XR 2020年07月08日 13:42:32 映维 Efficient color-to-gray conversion for digital images in gradient domain
Perception / XR 2020年07月08日 13:33:03 映维 Natural listening over headphones in augmented reality using adaptive filtering techniques
XR 2020年07月08日 12:45:08 映维 Driver’s recognition of head-up display (HUD) as information provision system
XR 2020年07月08日 12:36:07 映维 Safety and efficacy of head-up display from a physiological optics standpoint