XR 2020年07月07日 10:00:49 映维 Empathizing Audiovisual Sense Impairments: Interactive Real-Time Illustration of Diminished Sense Perception
HCI / XR 2020年07月07日 09:30:20 映维 AR-Arm: Augmented Visualization for Guiding Arm Movement in the First-Person Perspective
XR 2020年07月07日 09:06:12 映维 Towards Using Mobile, Head-Worn Displays in Cultural Heritage: User Requirements and a Research Agenda
XR 2020年07月07日 08:39:08 映维 Holobody galleries: blending augmented and virtual reality displays of human anatomy
HCI / XR 2020年07月07日 08:33:23 映维 A virtual reality agent-based platform for improvisation between real and virtual actors using gestures
HCI / Perception / XR 2020年07月07日 08:27:02 映维 GLOVR: a wearable hand controller for virtual reality applications
XR 2020年07月07日 08:21:11 映维 Multi-layered Mobile Augmented Reality Framework for Positive User Experience
HCI / Perception / XR 2020年07月07日 08:03:21 映维 TactileVR: Integrating Physical Toys into Learn and Play Virtual Reality Experiences
Perception / XR 2020年07月06日 16:00:21 映维 Haptic Retargeting Video Showcase: Dynamic Repurposing of Passive Haptics for Enhanced Virtual Reality Experience
XR 2020年07月06日 16:00:18 映维 The Anonymous Audience Analyzer: Visualizing Audience Behavior in Public Space
XR 2020年07月06日 16:00:14 映维 The Effects of Changing Projection Geometry on Perception of 3D Objects on and Around Tabletops
XR 2020年07月06日 15:36:27 映维 Reproducing Reality: Multimodal Contributions in Natural Scene Discrimination
XR 2020年07月06日 15:24:11 映维 Psychoacoustic characterization of propagation effects in virtual environments
Perception / XR 2020年07月06日 15:18:17 映维 An empirical evaluation of visuo-haptic feedback on physical reaching behaviors during 3D interaction in real and immersive virtual environments
Perception / XR 2020年07月06日 15:12:10 映维 Audio Masking Effect on Inter-Component Skews in Olfaction-Enhanced Multimedia Presentations
Perception / XR 2020年07月06日 15:00:18 映维 Multimodal “Sensory Illusions” for Improving Spatial Awareness in Virtual Environments
XR 2020年07月06日 14:42:28 映维 Virtual Head-up Displays for Augmented Reality in Cars: a User Testing to Validate the Congruence
XR 2020年07月06日 14:30:57 映维 Educating bicycle safety and fostering empathy for cyclists with an affordable and game-based VR app
XR 2020年07月06日 14:18:36 映维 A comparative pilot study of historical artifacts in a CAVE automatic virtual reality environment versus paper-based artifacts
XR 2020年07月06日 14:10:02 映维 Personalized record of the city wander with a wearable device: a pilot study
XR 2020年07月06日 14:01:17 映维 Human or machine perspective? throwing “light” on optical see-through headsets in museums