XR 2020年05月21日 13:29:16 映维 Social acceptability of virtual reality in public spaces: experiential factors and design recommendations
XR 2020年05月21日 13:25:38 映维 VR ethnography: a pilot study on the use of virtual reality ‘go-along’ interviews in Google street view
XR 2020年05月21日 12:57:31 映维 Single-step manufacturing of hierarchical dielectric metalens in the visible
XR 2020年05月21日 10:34:35 映维 The Role of Visual Detail during Situated Memory Recall within a Virtual Reality Environment
XR 2020年05月21日 10:28:33 映维 The Effects of Customisation on Player Experiences and Motivation in a Virtual Reality Game
XR 2020年05月21日 10:22:35 映维 Towards Designing Agent Based Virtual Reality Applications for Cybersecurity Training
XR 2020年05月21日 10:10:34 映维 BLASTNEL: Collision Sensation Display for Virtual Reality Games Using Highly Compressed Air
XR 2020年05月21日 10:04:35 映维 The combination of cognitive-behavioural therapy with virtual reality for the treatment of post-natal depression
XR 2020年05月21日 09:17:36 映维 Training road crossing skills for young people with intellectual disabilities using virtual reality: a feasibility study
XR 2020年05月19日 15:49:41 映维 Dissecting the Performance of VR Video Streaming through the VR-EXP Experimentation Platform
XR 2020年05月19日 15:41:29 映维 VR or non-VR?: investigating influence of the virtual environment medium on persuasive gamification outcomes
XR 2020年05月19日 15:34:51 映维 The Effects of VR Environments on the Acceptance, Experience, and Expectations of Cultural Heritage Learning
XR 2020年05月19日 15:20:48 映维 Augmenting Embodied Sensemaking using VR-Enabled New and Unusual perspectives
XR 2020年05月19日 15:17:18 映维 Exploring the Vulnerabilities and Advantages of SWIPE or Pattern authentication in Virtual Reality (VR)