Perception / XR 2023年09月06日 15:52:31 映维 Feel the Breeze: Promoting Relaxation in Virtual Reality using Mid-Air Haptics
CV / XR 2023年09月06日 15:28:29 映维 OmniZoomer: Learning to Move and Zoom in on Sphere at High-Resolution
CV / XR 2023年09月06日 15:16:19 映维 SpecTracle: Wearable Facial Motion Tracking from Unobtrusive Peripheral Cameras
CV / XR 2023年09月06日 14:34:28 映维 Accurate Eye Tracking from Dense 3D Surface Reconstructions using Single-Shot Deflectometry
Optics / XR 2023年08月31日 09:16:36 映维 Integrated metasurfaces for re-envisioning a near-future disruptive optical platform
CG / XR 2023年08月28日 15:52:51 映维 Neural Super-Resolution for Real-time Rendering with Radiance Demodulation
XR 2023年08月28日 15:26:12 映维 The Impact of Different Virtual Work Environments on Flow, Performance, User Emotions, and Preferences
XR 2023年08月28日 15:13:40 映维 Towards Modeling Software Quality of Virtual Reality Applications from Users’ Perspectives
XR 2023年08月28日 14:56:26 映维 Energy-Efficient Deadline-Aware Edge Computing: Bandit Learning with Partial Observations in Multi-Channel Systems
HCI / XR 2023年08月28日 14:37:30 映维 Using Abstract Tangible Proxy Objects for Interaction in Optical See-through Augmented Reality
HCI / XR 2023年08月22日 15:37:24 映维 BalanceVR: VR based Balance Training to Increase Tolerance to VR Sickness
Perception / XR 2023年08月22日 15:19:19 映维 Sound propagation in realistic interactive 3D scenes with parameterized sources using deep neural operators
XR 2023年08月22日 15:01:26 映维 Apple Vision Pro for Healthcare: “The Ultimate Display”? – Entering the Wonderland of Precision
XR 2023年08月22日 14:37:21 映维 A data-driven approach to predict decision point choice during normal and evacuation wayfinding in multi-story buildings
HCI / XR 2023年08月22日 14:20:24 映维 Quantifying the Impact of XR Visual Guidance on User Performance Using a Large-Scale Virtual Assembly Experiment
HCI / XR 2023年08月21日 15:28:21 映维 Virtual Reality Based Robot Teleoperation via Human-Scene Interaction
CV / XR 2023年08月21日 15:16:24 映维 Hand tracking for clinical applications: validation of the Google MediaPipe Hand (GMH) and the depth-enhanced GMH-D frameworks
HCI / XR 2023年08月21日 14:56:17 映维 HoloBots: Augmenting Holographic Telepresence with Mobile Robots for Tangible Remote Collaboration in Mixed Reality
Optics / XR 2023年08月17日 15:55:37 映维 ExWarp: Extrapolation and Warping-based Temporal Supersampling for High-frequency Displays
HCI / XR 2023年08月17日 14:55:37 映维 Systematic Adaptation of Communication-focused Machine Learning Models from Real to Virtual Environments for Human-Robot Collaboration
XR 2023年08月17日 06:55:21 映维 Ultrafast dense DNA functionalization of quantum dots and rods for scalable 2D array fabrication with nanoscale precision
XR 2023年08月16日 08:13:24 映维 Live 3D Portrait: Real-Time Radiance Fields for Single-Image Portrait View Synthesis