XR 2022年06月07日 14:43:27 映维 Towards an Emotionally Augmented Metaverse: a Framework for Recording and Analysing Physiological Data and User Behaviour
XR 2022年06月07日 14:16:29 映维 Pupillary Light Reflex Correction for Robust Pupillometry in Virtual Reality
XR 2022年06月07日 13:22:21 映维 Towards Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality: A Comparison of Co-Located Symmetric and Asymmetric Pair-Learning
XR 2022年06月07日 12:55:24 映维 Digital Proxemics: Designing Social and Collaborative Interaction in Virtual Environments
CV / XR 2022年06月07日 12:16:21 映维 EyeCoD: Eye Tracking System Acceleration via FlatCam-based Algorithm & Accelerator Co-Design
XR 2022年06月07日 10:32:22 映维 Performance Study of Low Inertia Magnetorheological Actuators for Kinesthetic Haptic Devices
HCI / XR 2022年06月07日 09:55:21 映维 SaccadeNet: Towards Real-time Saccade Prediction for Virtual Reality Infinite Walking
Perception / XR 2022年06月06日 15:52:26 映维 BinauralGrad: A Two-Stage Conditional Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Binaural Audio Synthesis
HCI / XR 2022年06月02日 10:43:20 映维 A Dynamically Weighted Multi-Objective Optimization Approach to Positional Interactions in Remote-Local Augmented/Mixed Reality
Optics / XR 2022年05月31日 08:02:01 映维 Advanced liquid crystal devices for augmented reality and virtual reality displays: principles and applications
XR 2022年05月30日 15:46:23 映维 Effective Classification of Head Motion Trajectories in Virtual Reality Using Time-Series Methods
XR 2022年05月30日 15:19:23 映维 Augmentation of a Virtual Reality Environment Using Generative Adversarial Networks
XR 2022年05月30日 14:25:26 映维 A Large-Scale Indoor Layout Reconstruction and Localization System for Spatial-Aware Mobile AR Applications
XR 2022年05月30日 13:49:21 映维 Planetary Rover Localization in Virtual Reality Environment via Orbital and Surface Imagery Learnt Embeddings
CV / XR 2022年05月30日 12:55:19 映维 Polarmask-Tracker: Lightweight Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation Model for Edge Device
XR 2022年05月30日 12:28:20 映维 A Distributed Computation Offloading Scheduling Framework based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
XR 2022年05月30日 10:46:21 映维 A Non-local Low Rank and Total Variation Approach for Depth Image Estimation
HCI / XR 2022年05月26日 15:52:27 映维 Virtual Walking With Omnidirectional Movies and Foot Vibrations: Scene-Congruent Vibrations Enhance Walking-Related Sensations and Ground Material Perceptions
XR 2022年05月26日 15:22:19 映维 Energy and Latency-Aware Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation for a Multi-Access Edge Computing-Enabled Heterogeneous Network
HCI / XR 2022年05月26日 13:46:20 映维 Telemanipulation via Virtual Reality Interfaces with Enhanced Environment Models
Perception / XR 2022年05月26日 13:22:19 映维 Can A Vibrotactile Stimulation On Fingertips Make An Illusion Of Elbow Joint Movement?
XR 2022年05月26日 10:13:26 映维 Deep Learning Oriented Channel Estimation for Interference Reduction for 5G