XR 2020年05月28日 15:46:36 映维 Do Low Cost Virtual Reality Devices Support Learning Acquisition?: A comparative study of two different VR devices
XR 2020年05月28日 15:26:15 映维 Subjective Effects of Flying With an Autoscopic Self-Avatar in Third-Person Perspective Within an Immersive Mixed Reality
XR 2020年05月28日 15:13:42 映维 Work in Progress Report: Virtual Courtroom to Prepare Victims of Sex Crimes for Court Proceedings
XR 2020年05月28日 15:07:49 映维 Influence of Directivity on the Perception of Embodied Conversational Agents’ Speech
XR 2020年05月28日 15:01:43 映维 Designing the Impression of Social Agents’ Real-time Interruption Handling
XR 2020年05月28日 14:58:41 映维 Multimodal Cues of the Sense of Presence and Co-presence in Human-Virtual Agent Interaction
XR 2020年05月28日 14:46:30 映维 Effects of a Virtual Human Appearance Fidelity Continuum on Visual Attention in Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月28日 14:38:07 映维 Being Touched by a Virtual Human.: Relationships Between Heart Rate, Gender, Social Status, and Compliance.
XR 2020年05月28日 14:13:55 映维 Research on Virtual Reality 3D Display and Teleoperation Technologies for an Inspection Robot in a Steam Generator
XR 2020年05月28日 14:04:43 映维 6K and 8K Effective Resolution with 4K HEVC Decoding Capability for 360 Video Streaming
XR 2020年05月28日 14:01:51 映维 sur.faced.io: augmented reality content creation for your face and beyond by drawing on paper
XR 2020年05月28日 13:50:33 映维 Space walk: a combination of subtle redirected walking techniques integrated with gameplay and narration
XR 2020年05月28日 13:44:27 映维 GlideReality: a highly immersive VR System augmented by a novel multi-modal and multi-contact cutaneous wearable display
XR 2020年05月28日 13:37:34 映维 ShapeSense: a 2D shape rendering VR device with moving surfaces that controls mass properties and air resistance
XR 2020年05月28日 13:28:47 映维 AffectiveHMD: facial expression recognition in head mounted display using embedded photo reflective sensors
XR 2020年05月28日 13:20:03 映维 Flood action VR: a virtual reality framework for disaster awareness and emergency response training
XR 2020年05月28日 13:16:58 映维 Neck strap haptics: an algorithm for non-visible VR information using haptic perception on the neck
XR 2020年05月28日 13:07:39 映维 Reconsideration of ouija board motion in terms of haptic illusions (IV): effect of haptic cue and another player