XR 2020年04月02日 21:35:02 映维 Near-eye Light Field Holographic Rendering with Spherical Waves for Wide Field of View Interactive 3D Computer Graphics
XR 2020年04月02日 21:35:00 映维 Intrinsic3D: High-Quality 3D Reconstruction by Joint Appearance and Geometry Optimization with Spatially-Varying Lighting
XR 2020年04月02日 21:34:53 映维 Membrane AR: Varifocal, Wide-Field-of-View Augmented Reality Display from Deformable Membranes
XR 2020年04月02日 21:34:49 映维 Wide Field Of View Varifocal Near-Eye Display Using See-Through Deformable Membrane Mirrors
XR 2020年04月02日 20:37:09 映维 Filtering Environment Illumination for Interactive Physically-Based Rendering in Mixed Reality
XR 2020年04月01日 21:11:13 映维 SeCoST: Sequential Co-Supervision for Weakly Labeled Audio Event Detection
XR 2020年04月01日 21:11:09 映维 Direction of Arrival Estimation in Highly Reverberant Environments Using Soft Time-Frequency Mask
XR 2020年04月01日 21:10:59 映维 Design of Deployable Soft Robots Through Plastic Deformation of Kirigami Structures
XR 2020年04月01日 21:10:51 映维 VPS Tactile Display: Tactile Information Transfer of Vibration, Pressure, and Shear
XR 2020年04月01日 20:41:54 映维 Flexible binaural resynthesis of room impulse responses for augmented reality research
XR 2020年04月01日 20:41:52 映维 Perceptual comparison of ambisonics-based reverberation methods in binaural listening
XR 2020年04月01日 16:22:30 映维 The contributions of skin stretch and kinesthetic information to static weight perception