CV / XR 2021年06月23日 09:07:32 映维 No Shadow Left Behind: Removing Objects and their Shadows using Approximate Lighting and Geometry
CV / XR 2021年06月23日 08:40:21 映维 GDR-Net: Geometry-Guided Direct Regression Network for Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation
CV / XR 2021年06月23日 08:25:44 映维 LipSync3D: Data-Efficient Learning of Personalized 3D Talking Faces from Video using Pose and Lighting Normalization
HCI / XR 2021年06月22日 12:43:24 映维 You’re Making Me Sick: A Systematic Review of How Virtual Reality Research Considers Gender & Cybersickness
XR 2021年06月22日 12:13:35 映维 Virtual Global Landmark: An Augmented Reality Technique to Improve Spatial Navigation Learning
XR 2021年06月21日 15:16:27 映维 ManipNet: Neural Manipulation Synthesis with a Hand-Object Spatial Representation
HCI / XR 2021年06月21日 15:01:21 映维 Control Strategies for Physically Simulated Characters Performing Two-player Competitive Sports
Perception / XR 2021年06月21日 15:01:19 映维 Applied Methods for Sparse Sampling of Head-related Transfer Functions
XR 2021年06月21日 14:25:19 映维 A User-Oriented Approach to Space-Adaptive Augmentation: The Effects of Spatial Affordance on Narrative Experience in an Augmented Reality Detective Game
XR 2021年06月21日 13:01:28 映维 Dynamic Field of View Restriction in 360° Video: Aligning Optical Flow and Visual SLAM to Mitigate VIMS
Video / XR 2021年06月21日 12:19:45 映维 RCEA-360VR: Real-time, Continuous Emotion Annotation in 360° VR Videos for Collecting Precise Viewport-dependent Ground Truth Labels
XR 2021年06月21日 10:19:20 映维 A Critical Assessment of the Use of SSQ as a Measure of General Discomfort in VR Head-Mounted Displays
XR 2021年06月21日 08:37:45 映维 Registration Based on ORB and FREAK Features for Augmented Reality Systems
XR 2021年06月20日 20:01:29 映维 Six-Degrees-of-Freedom Parametric Spatial Audio Based on One Monaural Room Impulse Response
XR 2021年06月17日 15:46:22 映维 Analysis of Differences in the Manner to Move Object in Real Space and Virtual Space Using Haptic Device for Two Fingers and HMD
XR 2021年06月17日 15:28:20 映维 Point-cloud avatars to improve spatial communication in immersive collaborative virtual environments
HCI / XR 2021年06月17日 15:07:22 映维 Grasping trajectories in a virtual environment adhere to Weber’s law
HCI / XR 2021年06月17日 14:31:25 映维 A Study of Size Effects of Overview Interfaces on User Performance in Virtual Environments
Perception / XR 2021年06月17日 12:13:45 映维 Visual feedback from a virtual body modulates motor illusion induced by tendon vibration