XR 2020年03月31日 14:07:49 映维 Efficient Evaluation of Coding Strategies for Transcutaneous Language Communication
XR 2020年03月31日 14:04:47 映维 The Immersive VR Self: Performance, Embodiment and Presence in Immersive Virtual Reality Environments
XR 2020年03月31日 14:04:02 映维 Space domain-based selection of direct-sound bins in the context of improved robustness to reverberation in direction of arrival estimation
XR 2020年03月31日 14:04:00 映维 Speech Communication through the Skin: Design of Learning Protocols and Initial Findings
XR 2020年03月31日 14:03:49 映维 Sparse Head-Related Transfer Function Representation with Spatial Aliasing Cancellation
XR 2020年03月31日 14:03:46 映维 A Social Haptic Device to Create Continuous Lateral Motion Using Sequential Normal Indentation
XR 2020年03月31日 14:03:44 映维 Toward Improved Surgical Training: Delivering Smoothness Feedback using Haptic Cues
XR 2020年03月31日 13:48:48 映维 Propagation of Joint Space Quantization Error to Operational Space Coordinates and Their Derivatives
XR 2020年03月31日 13:43:17 映维 Development and Validation of Modeling Framework for Interconnected Tendon Networks in Robotic and Human Fingers
XR 2020年03月31日 13:43:15 映维 Analysis of Effective Impedance Transmitted to the Operator in Position-Exchange Bilateral Teleoperation
XR 2019年12月02日 19:01:21 映维 To React or not to React: End-to-End Visual Pose Forecasting for Personalized Avatar during Dyadic Conversations
XR 2019年11月02日 18:46:21 映维 Auralization systems for simulation of augmented reality experiences in virtual environments
XR 2019年10月04日 08:37:19 映维 SIMMC: Situated Interactive Multi-modal Conversational Data Collection and Evaluation Platform