XR 2020年09月11日 15:36:26 映维 Does a Digital Assistant Need a Body? The Influence of Visual Embodiment and Social Behavior on the Perception of Intelligent Virtual Agents in AR
XR 2020年09月11日 15:24:05 映维 The effects of virtual human’s spatial and behavioral coherence with physical objects on social presence in AR
XR 2020年09月11日 15:12:10 映维 The use of immersive virtual reality in the learning sciences: Digital transformations of teachers, students, and social context
XR 2020年09月11日 14:22:46 映维 The effects of witness viewpoint distance, angle, and choice on eyewitness accuracy in police lineups conducted in immersive virtual environments
XR 2020年09月11日 14:10:11 映维 Courtroom applications of virtual environments, immersive virtual environments, and collaborative virtual environments
HCI / XR 2020年09月10日 19:15:09 映维 A Hybrid Active-Passive Actuation and Control Approach for Kinesthetic Handheld Haptics
XR 2020年09月10日 19:06:41 映维 Efficient, arbitrarily high precision hardware logarithmic arithmetic for linear algebra
Audio / XR 2020年09月10日 19:00:12 映维 Numerical simulations of near-field head-related transfer functions: Magnitude verification and validation with laser spark sources
XR 2020年09月10日 16:00:10 映维 Development and Calibration of an Eye-Tracking Fixation Identification Algorithm for Immersive Virtual Reality
XR 2020年09月10日 16:00:07 映维 The Use of Portable EEG Devices in Development of Immersive Virtual Reality Environments for Converting Emotional States into Specific Commands
XR 2020年09月10日 16:00:04 映维 Is Virtual Reality Effective for Balance Recovery in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
XR 2020年09月10日 16:00:03 映维 Applying Touchscreen Based Navigation Techniques to Mobile Virtual Reality with Open Clip-On Lenses
XR 2020年09月10日 15:45:04 映维 Method to Grasp a Feeling of Being There by Turning a Head Forcibly while Watching a Tourism Video using a VR Headset
XR 2020年09月10日 15:30:02 映维 A Multi-Projector Calibration Method for Virtual Reality Simulators with Analytically Defined Screens
XR 2020年09月10日 15:21:03 映维 Equilibrium revisited: Mutual gaze and personal space in virtual environments
XR 2020年09月10日 15:03:04 映维 A Study on Immersion and VR Sickness in Walking Interaction for Immersive Virtual Reality Applications
XR 2020年09月10日 14:42:03 映维 Four Different Multimodal Setups for Non-Aerial Vehicle Simulations—A Case Study with a Speedboat Simulator
Perception / XR 2020年09月10日 14:21:03 映维 A Study on Immersion and Presence of a Portable Hand Haptic System for Immersive Virtual Reality
Optics / XR 2020年09月10日 14:06:01 映维 Photosensor-Based Latency Measurement System for Head-Mounted Displays
CV / XR 2020年09月10日 14:00:04 映维 Real-Time Motion Tracking for Mobile Augmented/Virtual Reality Using Adaptive Visual-Inertial Fusion
Optics / XR 2020年09月10日 13:15:02 映维 On the Use of ROMOT—A RObotized 3D-MOvie Theatre—To Enhance Romantic Movie Scenes
XR 2020年09月10日 13:03:03 映维 Integrating Spherical Panoramas and Maps for Visualization of Cultural Heritage Objects Using Virtual Reality Technology