HCI / XR 2020年06月30日 16:00:33 映维 Movie editing and cognitive event segmentation in virtual reality video
XR 2020年06月30日 16:00:29 映维 Resynthesizing reality: driving vivid virtual environments from sensor networks
Perception / XR 2020年06月30日 15:36:11 映维 AoEs: enhancing teleportation experience in immersive environment with mid-air haptics
Optics / XR 2020年06月30日 15:30:04 映维 TwinCam: omni-directional stereoscopic live viewing camera for reducing motion blur during head rotation
HCI / Perception / XR 2020年06月30日 15:24:06 映维 Infinite stairs: simulating stairs in virtual reality based on visuo-haptic interaction
Perception / XR 2020年06月30日 15:21:07 映维 GVS RIDE: providing a novel experience using a head mounted display and four-pole galvanic vestibular stimulation
HCI / XR 2020年06月30日 15:00:48 映维 Visualizing the keyboard in virtual reality for enhancing immersive experience
HCI / XR 2020年06月30日 15:00:46 映维 MitsuDomoe: ecosystem simulation of virtual creatures in mixed reality petri dish (2)
Optics / XR 2020年06月30日 15:00:44 映维 Simple and accurate geometric correction with multiple projectors
HCI / XR 2020年06月30日 15:00:40 映维 Walking uphill and downhill: redirected walking in the vertical direction
Optics / XR 2020年06月30日 14:39:16 映维 Swinging 3D lamps: a projection technique to convert a static 2D picture to 3D using wiggle stereoscopy
HCI / Perception / XR 2020年06月30日 14:33:27 映维 Walking up virtual stairs based on visuo-haptic interaction
XR 2020年06月30日 14:27:14 映维 Telewheelchair: The intelligent electric wheelchair system towards human-machine combined environmental supports
XR 2020年06月30日 14:18:05 映维 Effects of controller-based locomotion on player experience in a virtual reality exploration game
XR 2020年06月30日 14:12:14 映维 The influence of social entities in virtual reality games on player experience and immersion
XR 2020年06月30日 14:03:03 映维 5G will popularize virtual and augmented reality: KT’s trials for world’s first 5G olympics in Pyeongchang
XR 2020年06月30日 14:01:36 映维 Study of the impact of visual information on oral feedback subjective evaluations within virtual-reality environments
XR 2020年06月30日 14:01:34 映维 CETA: designing mixed-reality tangible interaction to enhance mathematical learning
XR 2020年06月30日 14:01:32 映维 An interactive 3D health app with multimodal information representation for frozen shoulder
XR 2020年06月30日 13:36:05 映维 CETA: open, affordable and portable mixed-reality environment for low-cost tablets
XR 2020年06月30日 13:27:07 映维 Study on manual palletization of inhomogeneous boxes with the help of different interfaces to assess specific factors of ergonomic impact
XR 2020年06月30日 13:21:06 映维 The influence of stereoscopic image display on pedestrian road crossing in a large-screen virtual environment
HCI / XR 2020年06月30日 13:15:26 映维 Acquisition of survey knowledge using walking in place and resetting methods in immersive virtual environments