XR 2021年07月12日 15:01:23 映维 Wifi-VLC dual connectivity streaming system for 6DOF multi-user virtual reality
CV / XR 2021年07月12日 13:01:40 映维 The Temporal Opportunist: Self-Supervised Multi-Frame Monocular Depth
XR 2021年07月12日 13:01:39 映维 Build-and-Touch: A Low-Cost, DIY, Open-Source Approach Towards Touchable Virtual Reality
HCI / XR 2021年07月12日 10:46:39 映维 Exploring Button Designs for Mid-air Interaction in Virtual Reality: A Hexa-metric Evaluation of Key Representations and Multi-modal Cues
HCI / XR 2021年07月08日 16:01:21 映维 eyemR-Vis: Using Bi-Directional Gaze Behavioural Cues to Improve Mixed Reality Remote Collaboration
HCI / XR 2021年07月08日 15:31:19 映维 Investigating the Relationship between Momentary Emotion Self-reports and Head and Eye Movements in HMD-based 360° VR Video Watching
HCI / XR 2021年07月08日 15:16:20 映维 Virtual Weight Illusion: Weight Perception of Virtual Objects Using Weight Illusions
XR 2021年07月08日 15:01:19 映维 Project Esky: Enabling High Fidelity Extended Reality on an Open Source Platform
HCI / XR 2021年07月08日 14:31:19 映维 eyemR-Vis: A Mixed Reality System to Visualise Bi-Directional Gaze Behavioural Cues Between Remote Collaborators
HCI / XR 2021年07月08日 14:13:45 映维 XRTB: A Cross Reality Teleconference Bridge to incorporate 3D interactivity to 2D Teleconferencing
CV / XR 2021年07月08日 13:13:21 映维 Privacy-Preserving Image Features via Adversarial Affine Subspace Embeddings
XR 2021年07月08日 12:13:35 映维 DVD: A Diagnostic Dataset for Multi-step Reasoning in Video Grounded Dialogue
XR 2021年07月08日 10:40:28 映维 Adaptive Multi-Channel Signal Enhancement Based on Multi-Source Contribution Estimation
HCI / XR 2021年07月08日 10:01:24 映维 Learning Vibes: Communication Bandwidth of a Single Wrist-Worn Vibrotactile Actuator
CV / XR 2021年07月08日 08:37:33 映维 Unsupervised Learning of 3D Object Categories from Videos in the Wild
Perception / XR 2021年07月08日 08:28:40 映维 Binaural Reproduction Based on Bilateral Ambisonics and Ear-Aligned HRTFs
XR 2021年07月08日 08:25:24 映维 OpenNEEDS: A Dataset of Gaze, Head, Hand, and Scene Signals During Exploration in Open-ended VR Environments