XR 2020年07月16日 15:00:07 映维 Participation of elderly people in smart city planning by means of virtual reality
XR 2020年07月16日 15:00:05 映维 Understanding research methodologies when combining virtual reality technology with machine learning techniques
HCI / Perception / XR 2020年07月16日 14:39:51 映维 Tabletop virtual haptics: feasibility study for the exploration of 2.5D virtual objects by blind and visually impaired with consumer data gloves
HCI / XR 2020年07月16日 14:30:17 映维 BlindWalkVR: formative insights into blind and visually impaired people’s VR locomotion using commercially available approaches
XR 2020年07月16日 14:24:30 映维 Method for developing virtual reality applications for cognitive intensive training tasks
HCI / XR 2020年07月16日 14:09:07 映维 The foldinterface editor: a visual tool for designing user interfaces for foldable displays
XR 2020年07月16日 14:00:39 映维 Pengunaut trainer: a playful VR app to prepare children for MRI examinations: in-depth game design analysis
XR 2020年07月16日 13:09:36 映维 Towards an Immersive and Accessible Virtual Reconstruction of Theaters from the Early Modern: Bringing Back Cultural Heritage from the Past
HCI / XR 2020年07月16日 13:00:37 映维 Modality and Depth in Touchless Smartphone Augmented Reality Interactions
XR 2020年07月16日 12:15:50 映维 VRLE: Lifelog Interaction Prototype in Virtual Reality: Lifelog Search Challenge at ACM ICMR 2020
XR 2020年07月16日 12:10:22 映维 Understanding user navigation in immersive experience: an information-theoretic analysis
HCI / XR 2020年07月16日 10:09:05 映维 Eye Caramba: Gaze-based Assistance for Virtual Reality Aiming and Throwing Tasks in Games
XR 2020年07月16日 10:00:07 映维 Evaluation of Gaze Depth Estimation from Eye Tracking in Augmented Reality
XR 2020年07月16日 09:26:37 映维 GazeMetrics: An Open-Source Tool for Measuring the Data Quality of HMD-based Eye Trackers
XR 2020年07月16日 09:02:12 映维 Do Users Behave Similarly in VR? Investigation of the User Influence on the System Design
Video / XR 2020年07月16日 08:43:17 映维 Efficient, QoE aware delivery of 360° videos on VR headsets over mobile links
Optics / XR 2020年07月16日 07:03:07 映维 1D Eyewear: Peripheral, Hidden LEDs and Near-Eye Holographic Displays for Unobtrusive Augmentation
CG / XR 2020年07月15日 16:00:07 映维 The Role of the Field Dependence-independence Construct on the Flow-performance Link in Virtual Reality